戒's gallery (GalleryGai)

花と御伽な仮想的夢の世界へ −デジタルファンタジーアートオブジェクト− 日常の中の非日常、夕まづめ、あの夏の日の情景 水、飛沫、花と虹 草木の青い匂い 今と過去、此処と彼処の仮想的、デジタル的境界表現 限定的なる想像と欲求の結晶 平和と安寧、日常に垣間見る花や草木の命の息吹 長い刻の一瞬を捉え多幸のメッセージを込めた作品 ありがとうございます。 ようこそ、GalleryGaiの作品世界へ。 この画集は花と虹と題したGalleryGai作品の代表的で評価のある作品を集めて構成いたしました。 さあどうぞ、お進みください。 そして、一刻、現世を離れ癒やしの時間をお過ごしください。 GalleryGai 戒(Kai) Since 2023.05.10 Flowers and Rainbow -To a virtual dream world of flowers and fairy-tales- −Digital fantasy art objects− Everyday life turned into the extraordinary, twilight, scenes from that summer day Water, splashes, flowers, and rainbows The scent of greenery Virtual and digital boundaries between here and there, now and then The crystallization of limited imagination and desires The breath of life in the flowers and plants glimpsed in everyday peace and tranquility Artworks capturing a single moment in the long span of time, carrying messages of great happiness. Welcome to the world of GalleryGai's artworks. This art book, titled "Flowers and Dreams," features a collection of GalleryGai's representative and highly acclaimed works. Please feel free to browse through them. Take a moment to escape from reality and enjoy a soothing time. since 2019.09.12 -Kai- 2024年2月からAI(Copilot, Gemini)による作品の評価、解説文を追加するようになりました。少しづつ、過去作品にも美術評論の観点からのAI評価、解説を追加していく予定です。 AI評価と解説文について AI評価: AIは、作品の技術力、独創性、感情的な影響力など、様々な要素に基づいて評価を行います。 解説文: AIは作品のテーマ、技法、重要性について解説を行います。 AI評価と解説文の追加によるメリット 作品のより客観的で偏りのない評価を提供 視聴者がすぐに理解できない洞察を提供 視聴者が作品をより深く理解できるようにする 視聴者が作品について批判的に考えることを促す ご意見・ご感想 AI評価と解説文が皆様にとって有益な情報となりますことを願っております。ご意見やご感想などがありましたら、お気軽にお寄せください。 Since February 2024, we have started to add work evaluations and commentary by AI (Copilot, Gemini) to our works. We plan to gradually add AI evaluations and commentary from an art criticism perspective to past works as well. Here are some additional details: * **AI評価:** AI will provide an evaluation of the work based on various factors, such as the artist's skill, the originality of the work, and its emotional impact. * **解説文:** AI will provide a commentary on the work, discussing its themes, techniques, and significance. We believe that adding AI evaluations and commentary will provide viewers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of our works. We are excited to see how this new initiative will enhance the experience of our viewers. **Benefits of AI Evaluation and Commentary:** * Provides a more objective and unbiased evaluation of the work * Offers insights that may not be immediately apparent to the viewer * Helps viewers to appreciate the work on a deeper level * Encourages viewers to think critically about the work We hope that you will find the AI evaluations and commentary to be helpful and informative. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with us.


一日の動きに流され右往左往一時の休憩にCafe brake秋の陽に黄昏れるOutside balcony-戒-In the ebb and flow of the day's routine,Swept away, a chaotic scene.A fleeting respite, a moment's ease,Cafe brake, a tranquil seize.Bathed in the autumn sun's golden hue, ... もっと読む
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呪文を解こう身体を縛る心を縛る呪文を解こう君の身体君の心解き放てbreak the spell自由に君の未来は束縛され無い君自身のもの-戒-Break the enchantment that binds,Body and soul, entwined.Unravel the spell, let it cease,Release your body, grant your heart peace.Y ... もっと読む
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今日を愛し明日を喜ぶ優しさと切なさは交互に現れ感傷的な心を洗う全ての人々に幸せな時間を大事な人と過ごせることを祈ります-戒-Cherishing today, embracing the morrow,Kindness and yearning, in cycles they borrow.Appearing alternately, tender and deep,They clean ... もっと読む
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一日の糧に感謝一日の行いを振り返る美しきを愛でその強さと愛情を知る輝く花に優しさを見つける-戒-Gratitude for the sustenance of a day,Reflecting on the deeds in a tranquil way.Admiring the beauty that surrounds,Discovering strength and love in silent bounds ... もっと読む
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夢は時を選ばず季節を超えるその時あそこに居た記憶と彼女と話した楽しげな感覚白いベッドで白い天井を見ている今も確かに人肌を感じた感覚が残っている-戒-Dreams choose no moment,Transcending the seasons they ferment.In that moment,I was there, content.Conversatio ... もっと読む
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独り寝の白いベッドで起きた朝窓を開け深呼吸作り置きしたラザニアをチンパンを焼いて一緒に頂く牛乳をコップに一杯朝のテレビをつけ緩やかな秋の朝陽を窓越しに浴び遅い朝食を摂る-戒- ... もっと読む
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庭に射す夕焼け秋の深まりを増す毎に色鮮やかに草木を染め心に黄昏を演出する-戒-In the garden's embrace, the sun sets low,As autumn deepens, its enchanting glow.Vibrant hues paint the foliage and bloom,A kaleidoscope of colors, a twilight's costume.In the hea ... もっと読む
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庭に造った小川のせせらぎを聴きながらゆっくり時間の経つのを待つ白い椅子と白いテーブルテラスへ射す陽ウトウトする僕に君は優しく頬擦りした-戒-Amidst the garden's crafted stream,I sit and listen to its gentle gleam.Slowly, as time unfolds its grace,In a white ... もっと読む
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その振り下ろした拳は不可能という壁を打ち壊す力未来へ己を動かす力未来にある幸せを掴むため今自らを奮い立たせ信じた道を前に進む-戒-The clenched fist,A force shattering the wall of impossibility.Power to propel oneselfTowards the future.To seize the happiness ... もっと読む
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水遣り終えた草花に朝の陽射し愛でる花の美しさを写す-戒-Having completed the watering,To the grass and flowers.The morning sunlight,Captures the beauty of the adored flowers.-Kai-God bless you. きりんツール【ゴールドプラン】 きりんツール ライトプラン 仮想 ... もっと読む
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一枚の写真想い出深い情景あの日の風の匂い肌にあたる陽の温かさ子供たちの声あの日僕は幸せを感じていた-戒-A single photograph,A scene etched in memory.The fragrance of the windOn that day,The warmth of the sunCaressing the skin.The voices of childrenOn that d ... もっと読む
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朝に咲き夕に閉じるこの花の優しさと忍ぶ心を知る者は人の世の苦楽も解し優しく暮らす-戒-Blossoming at dawn's first light,Closing with the setting sun's might,This flower's life, a delicate sight.In its tenderness, it does confide,A heart that hides its troubl ... もっと読む
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午後のひと時秋の陽に誘われて散歩する田園風に揺れるたわわな稲秋其れは実りの秋-戒-In the afternoon's embrace so warm,Invited by the autumn sun's charming charm.A stroll through the countryside, fields so wide,Ripened rice swaying, the wind as its guide.Autu ... もっと読む
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人は暖かさを求める暖かい部屋暖かい家庭暖かい家族暖かい手の温もり暖かい人の心今日も仕事が終わり老若男女帰路に着く暖かさを求め木枯らし吹く街を行く-戒-People seek warmth,A warm room, a cozy hearth.Warm homes and family dear,Warm hands, hearts sincere.As the ... もっと読む
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秋の夕川面に落葉色づいて微睡む夕陽頬ほに照-戒-Autumn evening's hush,Leaves paint the river's surface, a vibrant flush.The drowsing sunset kisses each cheek so slight,-Kai-God bless you. きりんツール【ゴールドプラン】 きりんツール ライトプラン 仮想通貨 ... もっと読む
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ゆ鬱に迎える秋の午後は庭に出て散策単行本を手にテラスに腰を下ろせば秋の陽に輝く野花に癒され読書する-戒-Welcomed by melancholy, the autumn afternoon's grace,I venture into the garden, a wandering pace.With a paperback in hand, on the terrace I recline,Benea ... もっと読む
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今日をありがとうありがとうを言う機会が後どのくらい残って居るだろうかそしてありがとうと後何回聞けるだろうか自信を持って一日を送ろう今日という日は戻って来ない-戒-Today, I express my gratitude,How many opportunities will remain?How many repetitions of "thank ... もっと読む
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今日という日におはよう気持ちよく目覚めた朝は大きく深呼吸して感謝と祈りをそして今日幸せに向かって生きる喜びを-戒-On this day, I bid you "good morn,"Awakening to a day, newly born.In the morning's embrace, I take a deep breath,With gratitude and prayer, lif ... もっと読む
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家族と過ごす休日のひと時秋の葉色に染まる夕焼けキラキラと水面を照らす夕陽が眩しい-戒-A moment of respite with family's embrace,Amidst autumn's hues, the sun's warm grace.The evening sky in shades of leafy gold,Sparkles dance on water, a sight to behold.-Ka ... もっと読む
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ガラス越しに午後の庭を愛で柔らかな秋の陽射しを身体に受け一杯の紅茶ゆっくりと時間の流れを感じる満ち足りた時間-戒-Through the glass,I gaze with deep affection,Upon the afternoon garden's gentle connection.The soft autumn sunlight bathes my skin so tender,Wi ... もっと読む
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