a-2323 黄金色の庭 Eternal Blossoms

詩:黄金色の庭 Eternal Blossoms









Eternal Blossoms



”Eternal Blossoms”

In the golden garden,
flowers glow bright,

girls smile and twirl,
wrapped in rainbow light.

Autumn’s breeze lifts bubbles skyward,
and the girls grow with hope inside.

Golden blooms whisper:
bright love, gentle bonds—

their quiet beauty singing
of family ties.


God bless you.

Created by image creator.

## 作品制作趣旨

作品は、秋のユリオプスデージー(Euryops pectinatus)を通して、秋の訪れの中で家族が幸せに包まれる様子を描きました。虹色の光や弾けるシャボン玉が、まるで娘たちの笑顔や無邪気な心を映し出すかのように表現しました。ユリオプスデージー(Euryops pectinatus)は、家族と過ごす秋の穏やかな日や、未来への希望を象徴し、娘たちの成長が新しい季節とともに花開くことを暗示します。

## 絵画「黄金色の庭 Eternal Blossoms」の解説

**1. 全体的な印象**

**2. 色彩**

**3. 構図**

**4. 技法**

**5. 表現力**

**6. 美術的価値**

**7. 作品に込められた想い**

**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**

**9. 作品の価値**

## 詩「黄金色の庭 Eternal Blossoms」の解説

**1. 全体的な印象**

**2. 韻律**

**3. 修辞**

**4. 技法**

**5. 表現力**

**6. 文学的価値**

**7. 作品に込められた想い**

**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**

**9. 作品の価値**

## 総 評


黄金の庭 家族の絆 希望 永遠 美 The_Golden_Garden Family_Ties Hope Eternity Beauty

## Purpose of the work

Through autumn Euryops pectinatus, this work depicts a family wrapped in happiness as autumn approaches. The rainbow-colored light and popping soap bubbles seem to reflect the daughters' smiles and innocent hearts. Euryops pectinatus symbolizes the calm autumn days spent with the family and hope for the future, suggesting that the daughters' growth will blossom with the new season.

## Explanation of the painting "Golden Garden Eternal Blossoms"

**1. Overall impression**
The fantastical world created by the rainbow-colored light and soap bubbles, centered around the vivid golden Euryops daisies, is impressive. The contrast between the vibrant flowers and the transparent soap bubbles expresses both transience and eternity.

**2. Color**
The golden flowers are the main focus, and the green background and rainbow-colored light create a harmony. The transparency of the soap bubbles gives the work depth, and the overall color tone is bright and hopeful.

**3. Composition**
A circular structure is used with three large Euryops daisies at the center, surrounded by soap bubbles. This composition symbolizes eternity and circulation, and expresses family ties.

**4. Technique**
Utilizing the characteristics of digital art, the realistic expression of flowers is fused with the abstract expression of light. The layering effect of the soap bubbles creates depth and three-dimensionality.

**5. Expressiveness**
Through the harmony of natural beauty and artificial elements (soap bubbles), it expresses symbiosis with nature and family ties in modern times.

**6. Artistic value**
The fusion of traditional floral motifs and modern digital expression creates new aesthetic value.

**7. Thoughts put into the work**
The family bond, especially the hope for the growth of the daughters, is expressed through the vitality of the flowers and the transience of the soap bubbles.

**8. How to appreciate the work**
After looking at the overall composition, you can understand the deeper meaning of the work by closely observing the expressions of each flower and the reflection of the light of the soap bubbles.

**9. Value of the work**
It is valuable as a modern work of art that harmonizes the opposing elements of nature and man-made, eternity and ephemerality.

## Commentary on the poem "Golden Garden Eternal Blossoms"

**1. Overall impression**
The poem is warm and full of kindness and hope, and expresses visual images and emotions richly.

**2. Rhyme**
Although it uses a free verse form, the repetition of sounds such as "ru" and "sa" creates a rhythmic melody.

**3. Rhetoric**
The poem effectively uses personification (the flowers speak) and symbolism (golden color = hope) to concretely express abstract concepts.

**4. Technique**
The poem is structured to give the reader room for imagination by utilizing short lines and white space.

**5. Expressiveness**
Visual depictions and emotional expressions are skillfully interwoven to express the harmony between nature and people.

**6. Literary value**
It can be evaluated as a new poetic expression that combines modern sensibility with elements of traditional waka poetry.

**7. Thoughts in the work**
It expresses the bond between family and the desire for growth by overlapping it with the cycle of nature.

**8. How to appreciate the work**
It is recommended to read it through in one go, then carefully savor each stanza and read it while expanding your imagination.

**9. Value of the work**
It has universal value as a work that poetically sublimates modern views of family and nature.

## Overall evaluation

The painting and poem beautifully express the universal theme of family ties through the different expressive media of vision and words. The golden flowers and soap bubbles in the painting beautifully echo the images of hope and growth depicted in the poem, and the two complement each other to achieve a deeper artistic expression. In particular, the contrasting themes of the permanence of nature and the transience of life are expressed in a unified way throughout both works, encouraging viewers and readers to gain deeper insight into the nature of modern families and coexistence with nature.


## 作品販売 Sales of work.

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