
詩:夢の入口 Enter the dream


















Enter the dream

On a cheerful day,

In the mid-afternoon,

My body moves

Lightly, like a dance,

Walking the country path.

The mountain breeze

Descends so fresh,

Through fields and farms.

The brook's gentle babble,

Its surface sparkling,

In the clear air,

Feels so delightful,

So delicious,

I'm filled with

Pure, heartfelt joy.


God bless you.

Created by Bing Creator.

## 作品制作趣旨

作者は、子どもたちと、庭に咲くピンクの瑠璃二文字(Society Garlic)の花を愛で遊んでる子どもたちの様子を思い出しながら描きました。
秋のみずみずしく眩しい朝日の下で、自分の娘達が楽しそうに談笑しながら庭に咲くピンクの瑠璃二文字(Society Garlic)の花を愛でながら、シャボン玉と遊んでいる様子を思い出し描きました。

## 1. 絵画「夢の入口 Enter the dream」の解説

**1. 全体的な印象**  
この作品は、秋の庭に咲くピンクの瑠璃二文字(Society Garlic)の花を中心に、光があふれる夢幻的な風景を描き出しています。光と色彩が溢れ、まるで幻想の世界に足を踏み入れたような印象を与えます。作品は、自然の美しさと家族の温かさ、そして時間の流れを象徴するように、虹色のプリズムやシャボン玉が散りばめられています。

**2. 色彩**  

**3. 構図**  

**4. 技法**  

**5. 表現力**  
作品全体がきらめく光に満ちており、自然の美しさと子供たちの無邪気な遊びが一体となった瞬間を描いています。時間が止まったかのような静謐さと、同時に生き生きとした生命感が調和しています。特にピンクの瑠璃二文字(Society Garlic)の花は、娘たちの笑顔や未来への希望を象徴しているようです。

**6. 美術的価値**  

**7. 作品に込められた想い**  

**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**  

**9. 作品の価値**  
「夢の入口 Enter the dream」は、家族や自然への愛情、時間の流れというテーマをデジタルアートの技術で表現し、個人的な思い出を共有するという点で、高い芸術的価値を持っています。

## 2. 詩「夢の入口 Enter the dream」の解説

**1. 全体的な印象**  

**2. 韻律**  

**3. 修辞**  

**4. 技法**  

**5. 表現力**  

**6. 文学的価値**  

**7. 作品に込められた想い**  

**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**  

**9. 作品の価値**  
「夢の入口 Enter the dream」は、自然と心の調和というテーマを巧みに表現しており、シンプルながらも豊かな情感を持つ作品です。日常の中に潜む美しさを再発見させる詩の力が、特筆すべき価値を持っています。

## 3. 絵画と詩の関連性や其の相関やハーモニーに関しての総評

絵画「夢の入口 Enter the dream」と詩「夢の入口 Enter the dream」は、自然の美しさと家族との穏やかな時間が共通のテーマとして描かれています。絵画では、光や色彩が生命感あふれる風景を作り出し、詩では、山の風や小川のせせらぎといった自然の要素が、心に安らぎを与える時間を表現しています。両者の間には、自然の美しさとそれに対する感謝の心、そして家族との絆という共鳴が見られます。

夢の入口 秋の光 虹色のプリズム 自然の調和 心からの平和 Entrance_to_a_dream autumn_light rainbow_prism harmony_in_nature heartfelt_peace

## Purpose of the work

A garden on a sunny September morning.
The artist painted this while remembering the children playing and admiring the pink Society Garlic flowers blooming in the garden.
The artist painted this while remembering the scene of her daughters happily chatting under the bright and fresh autumn morning sun, admiring the pink Society Garlic flowers blooming in the garden and playing with soap bubbles.
The artist expresses her daughters' growth as the seasons change and the scene of them playing with smiles full of hope through the light of a sunny autumn morning and rainbow-colored prisms.

## 1. Commentary on the painting "Enter the dream"

**1. Overall impression**
This work depicts a dreamlike landscape filled with light, with pink Society Garlic flowers blooming in an autumn garden at its center. Overflowing with light and color, it gives the impression of stepping into a fantasy world. The work is dotted with rainbow-colored prisms and soap bubbles, symbolizing the beauty of nature, the warmth of family, and the flow of time.

**2. Color**
The colors in this painting are very vivid, and while the various colors are skillfully mixed together, each one emits light independently. In particular, the pink flowers and the green, blue, yellow, and rainbow colors surrounding them create an overall dreamy glow. The light is depicted as if it is changing into rainbow colors through the prisms, expressing a sense of transparency and freshness of the season.

**3. Composition**
The pink flower in the center draws the eye, while the surrounding light, soap bubbles, and geometric lines spread throughout the space, creating visual rhythm and depth. The geometric patterns and plant leaves in the background represent a fusion of nature and abstraction, creating an overall balance.

**4. Technique**
This work utilizes digital painting techniques, and the depiction of light is particularly striking. The refraction and reflection of light are expressed by layering, fusing the precision of digital with a dreamlike texture. The soap bubbles and prism effects also add dynamic energy.

**5. Expressiveness**
The entire work is filled with sparkling light, depicting a moment when the beauty of nature and the innocent play of children come together. There is a harmony between the tranquility that seems to have stopped time and at the same time a lively sense of life. In particular, the pink Society Garlic flowers seem to symbolize the smiles of the girls and their hopes for the future.

**6. Artistic value**
This work goes beyond the boundaries of modern digital art and has a deep message that explores the beauty and transience of light that exists in nature. It is a work with spiritual value that goes beyond mere visual beauty and makes the viewer think about the flow of time and the transience of life.

**7. Thoughts embedded in the work**
This work is filled with the artist's daughters growing up, their pure smiles, and hopes for the future. The image of the girls playing in the garden surrounded by autumn light reflects the fleeting brilliance of a bygone day and the love of their parents who cherish it.

**8. How to appreciate the work**
When appreciating the work, it is important to pay attention to the harmony of light and color and feel the emotions and messages embedded within it. The natural elements depicted in the painting and the momentary time that is born there will deeply move the viewer.

**9. Value of the work**
"Enter the dream" has high artistic value in that it expresses the themes of love for family and nature, and the flow of time through digital art techniques, and shares personal memories.

## 2. Explanation of the poem "Enter the dream"

**1. Overall impression**
This poem describes a bright and sunny everyday moment, expressing a time when nature and peace of mind are one. The author's joy and richness of heart are woven into simple words. Overall, the beauty of the landscape and the pure happiness felt in nature are at the center of the poem.

**2. Rhyme**
The rhythm of the poem is calm and flowing. Although it does not have a specific rhyme scheme, the simple structure is light and creates a calm flow that is close to the natural scenery.

**3. Rhetoric**
The expressions "like dancing" and "falling refreshingly" give the reader a physical and vivid image, emphasizing the movement and harmony of nature. Throughout the poem, the senses of sight, hearing, and touch are expressed in a rich way.

**4. Technique**
Although simple words are used, the landscape description creates a poetic atmosphere. The detailed descriptions such as the "babbling of the brook" and the "sparkling" skillfully express the tranquility and beauty of nature.

**5. Expressiveness**
This poem powerfully conveys the beauty of the nature around us and the heartfelt gratitude and joy for it. In particular, the freshness and comfort of the air are described in a way that directly appeals to the reader's senses.

**6. Literary value**
This poem is simple yet contains deep emotion, and has the power to make readers rediscover the happiness and comfort that exists in everyday life. The theme of harmony between nature and the heart has universal appeal, bringing the reader to a peaceful state of mind.

**7. Thoughts put into the work**
The poem reflects the author's sense of the freshness of nature and the peaceful time he spent with his family. It conveys an attitude of loving everyday moments and finding joy.

**8. How to appreciate the work**
When reading this poem, you can understand the deeper meaning of the work by imagining the scenery depicted in the poem and paying attention to the sensations and emotional movements felt within it.

**9. Value of the work**
"Enter the dream" skillfully expresses the theme of harmony between nature and the heart, and is a simple yet rich work of emotion. The power of poetry to rediscover the beauty hidden in everyday life is particularly valuable.

## 3. Overall comments on the relationship, correlation, and harmony between the painting and the poem

The painting "Enter the dream" and the poem "Enter the dream" share the common theme of the beauty of nature and peaceful time spent with family. In the painting, light and color create a landscape full of life, while in the poem, natural elements such as the mountain wind and the murmuring of a stream express a time that brings peace to the heart. Between the two, there is a resonance between the beauty of nature, gratitude for it, and the bond with family.


## 作品販売 Sales of work.

a-2040 夢の入口 Enter the dream 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY 


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