詩:気分を変えて Image change
”Image change”
Early autumn's
prolonged rain,
Transferred to lush greens,
it stains,
The evening rain,
it has a way,
Of bringing forth a scent so fey.
A crispness in the chilled air,
Signals autumn's
presence fair,
My mood transformed,
I sense the shift,
As nature's course begins to lift.
God bless you.
## 作品制作趣旨
作者は、子どもたちと、庭に咲くハナニラ(Ipheion uniflorum)の花を愛で遊んでる子どもたちの様子を思い出しながら描きました。
秋のみずみずしく眩しい朝日の下で、自分の娘達が楽しそうに談笑しながら庭に咲くハナニラ(Ipheion uniflorum)の花を愛でながら、シャボン玉と遊んでいる様子を思い出し描きました。
## 絵画「気分を変えて Image change」の解説
**1. 全体的な印象**
デジタル絵画「気分を変えて Image change」は、明るく遊び心に満ちた印象を与えます。白いハナニラの花が鮮やかな背景に浮かび上がり、光の屈折やシャボン玉が虹色のプリズム効果を生み出しています。全体的に、自然の美しさが際立つ作品です。
**2. 色彩**
**3. 構図**
**4. 技法**
**5. 表現力**
**6. 美術的価値**
**7. 作品に込められた想い**
**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**
**9. 作品の価値**
## 詩「気分を変えて Image change」の解説
**1. 全体的な印象**
詩「気分を変えて Image change」は、初秋の長雨とその影響を描いた作品です。雨がもたらす自然の変化や、それによって引き起こされる感情の変化が繊細に表現されています。
**2. 韻律**
**3. 修辞**
**4. 技法**
**5. 表現力**
**6. 文学的価値**
**7. 作品に込められた想い**
**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**
**9. 作品の価値**
## 絵画と詩の関連性や相関性、ハーモニーに関する総評
デジタル絵画「気分を変えて Image change」と詩「気分を変えて Image change」は、どちらも自然の美しさとその変化をテーマにしています。絵画は、秋の朝の光や虹色のプリズムを通じて、子供たちの無邪気さや希望を表現しています。一方、詩は、初秋の長雨がもたらす自然の変化と、それによって引き起こされる感情の変化を描いています。
自然 希望 感情 変化 無邪気 Nature Hope Emotion Change Innocence
## Purpose of the work
A garden on a sunny September morning.
The artist painted this while remembering the children playing with the Ipheion uniflorum flowers blooming in the garden.
The artist painted this while remembering his daughters playing with soap bubbles while admiring the Ipheion uniflorum flowers blooming in the garden, chatting happily under the fresh and bright autumn morning sun.
The artist expresses the way his daughters grow with the changing seasons and the scene of them playing with smiles full of hope through the light of a sunny autumn morning and rainbow-colored prisms.
## Explanation of the painting "Change Your Mood Image change"
**1. Overall impression**
The digital painting "Change Your Mood Image change" gives a bright and playful impression. The white flower of the canary pops out against a vibrant background, with the refraction of light and soap bubbles creating a rainbow prism effect. Overall, the beauty of nature is highlighted in this work.
**2. Color**
The colors are very vibrant, especially the rainbow prism effect in the background. The white flower is placed in the center, and the purity and beauty of the flower are emphasized by contrasting it with the colorful elements in the background.
**3. Composition**
The composition is simple yet effective. The flower is placed in the center, and the rainbow background that surrounds it draws the eye. The soap bubbles and refraction of light give the work a sense of movement, giving it a dynamic impression.
**4. Technique**
Digital techniques are used to realistically express the refraction of light and the transparency of the soap bubbles. The details are very detailed, especially the texture of the petals and the reflection of light are beautifully reproduced.
**5. Expressiveness**
The work beautifully expresses the innocence of children and the beauty of nature. The rainbow-colored background and soap bubbles symbolize hope and dreams, evoking positive emotions in the viewer.
**6. Artistic value**
This work has high artistic value in that it combines digital art technology with the beauty of nature. In particular, the expression of light and the use of color are excellent, leaving a strong impression on the viewer.
**7. Thoughts put into the work**
The artist depicted children growing up with the change of seasons. Through the light of an autumn morning and a rainbow-colored prism, the children's hopeful smiles and innocent play are expressed.
**8. How to view the work**
This work can be enjoyed to the fullest by viewing it in a bright place to maximize the effects of color and light. You can also feel the innocence of the children and the beauty of nature while viewing it, and you will be more deeply moved.
**9. Value of the work**
This work has high value in that it combines digital art technology with the beauty of nature. In particular, the expression of light and the use of color are excellent, leaving a strong impression on the viewer.
## Explanation of the poem "Image change"
**1. Overall impression**
The poem "Image change" depicts the long rains of early autumn and their effects. The changes in nature brought about by the rain and the changes in emotions caused by it are delicately expressed.
**2. Rhyme**
The poem has a rhythmic meter that provides a comfortable rhythm for the reader. In particular, the rhyme at the end of each line gives the poem a sense of unity.
**3. Rhetoric**
Metaphors and personification are used effectively as rhetorical techniques. For example, the expression "rain and dew are transmitted to the plants and trees" visually depicts the effects of rain on nature.
**4. Technique**
The poem makes a strong impression on the reader by using short lines and concise words. In addition, it skillfully expresses changes in emotions through the description of nature.
**5. Expressiveness**
The poem beautifully expresses the beauty of nature and its changes. In particular, the coldness and smell of the rain make the reader feel the coming of autumn and stir the reader's emotions.
**6. Literary value**
This poem has high literary value in that it skillfully combines the description of nature with the change of emotions. In particular, the concise words and rhythmic meter give the poem a deep impression.
**7. Thoughts put into the work**
The author describes the changes in nature brought about by the long rains of early autumn and the changes in emotions caused by them. The coldness and smell brought about by the rain make the reader feel the coming of autumn and express the change in mood.
**8. How to appreciate the work**
This poem can be deeply moved by reading it slowly in a quiet place and feeling the changes in nature and emotions. In addition, by reading the poem while enjoying the rhythm and meter, you can feel the beauty of the poem as a whole.
**9. Value of the work**
This poem has high value in that it skillfully combines the description of nature with the change of emotions. In particular, the concise words and rhythmic meter give the poem a deep impression.
## General comment on the relevance, correlation, and harmony between the painting and the poem
Both the digital painting "Change Your Mood" and the poem "Change Your Mood" have the theme of the beauty of nature and its changes. The painting expresses the innocence and hope of children through the light of autumn mornings and the rainbow-colored prism. On the other hand, the poem depicts the changes in nature brought about by the long rains of early autumn and the changes in emotions that are caused by them.
Both works express changes in emotions and hope through the beauty of nature and its changes, and are mutually complementary. The vivid colors of the painting and the rhythmic meter of the poem deeply move the viewer or reader, making them feel the beauty of nature and its changes.
## 作品販売 Sales of work.
a-2037 気分を変えて Image change キャンバスアート - F6 | gallerygai #booth_pm #pixivFACTORY