詩:幻想の苑 The Secret Garden
”The Secret Garden ”
The entrance is there,
Right there,
The usual
The usual
Way back home,
The missed
Beyond that,
A door to a different world appears,
Come now,
Summon your courage,
Let's open that door,
To change the usual
With courage and action.
God bless you.
新たなスタートの春の日。作者が娘たちとツツジの咲く公園に散歩に行った時を思い出し描いたものです。 春風の吹く様に、ツツジや公園の緑が揺れ、穏やかで煌めく日差しが射す様を表現し、家族との穏やかな日を過ごした想い出と新しいスタートに向けての決意を込めて描かれています。
## デジタル絵画「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」の解説
**1. 全体的な印象**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、ピンクと白のツツジが咲き誇る春の公園を舞台にしたデジタル絵画です。穏やかな春風を受けて、ツツジの花びらや、木々の葉が揺れています。光と影が絶妙なバランスで表現され、絵画全体に温かみと安らぎを感じさせてくれます。
**2. 色彩**
**3. 構図**
**4. 技法**
**5. 表現力**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、春の訪れと新しいスタートへの希望を表現した作品です。穏やかな色彩と色彩や希望を表す虹などを構図に取り入れ、そして繊細な描写によって、観る者に安らぎと温かさを感じさせてくれます。
**6. 美術的価値**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、技術的にも表現力も高い作品です。デジタル絵画の技法を駆使して、春の風景を美しく表現しています。また、作品に込められたメッセージも、多くの人々に共感を与えるでしょう。
**7. 作品に込められた想い**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、作者が娘たちと過ごした春の日の思い出をモチーフに描かれています。作者は、この作品を通して、家族との温かい時間と、新しいスタートへの希望を表現したかったのでしょう。
**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、じっくりと時間をかけて鑑賞することをおすすめします。ツツジの花びらの繊細な表現や、光と影の微妙な変化などをじっくりと味わうことで、作品に込められた想いを感じ取ることができでしょう。
**9. 作品の価値**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、技術的にも表現力も高い作品であり、美術的価値も高いと言えます。また、作品に込められたメッセージも、多くの人々に共感を与えるでしょう。
## 詩「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」の解説
**1. 全体的な印象**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、日常の生活の中で見過ごしがちな、小さな幸せを見つけることの大切さを歌った詩です。作者は、いつもの帰り道でふと見つけた「曲がり角」の先にある、秘密の花園を舞台に、そこでの出会いとそこから始まる新しい世界への旅立ちを表現しています。
**2. 韻律**
**3. 修辞**
* **「いつもの 日常 いつもの 帰り道」**:日常の退屈さを表現する言葉
* **「見過ごした 曲がり角」**:見逃しがちな可能性やチャンスを表す
* **「違う世界への 扉」**:未知の世界への入り口をワクワクさせる表現
* **「勇気と行動」**:新しい世界への一歩を踏み出す決意
**4. 技法**
* **「いつもの 日常 いつもの 帰り道」**:日常の繰り返しを強調
* **「その先に 違う世界への 扉が現れる」**:日常と非日常の対比
* **「さあ 勇気をだして その扉を開こう」**:読者に勇気を与える強い語り口
**5. 表現力**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、日常の些細な出来事から、人生の大きなテーマへと繋がる深いメッセージを込めています。作者は、美しい言葉を用いて、読者に想像力を掻き立て、希望と勇気を与えてくれます。
**6. 文学的価値**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、自由詩でありながら、文学的価値の高い作品です。作者の豊かな感性と表現力が光る詩であり、多くの人々に共感を与えるでしょう。
**7. 作品に込められた想い**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、作者自身の日常の経験から生まれた詩です。作者は、この詩を通して、読者に「見過ごしがちな小さな幸せを見つけることの大切さ」と、「新しい世界への一歩を踏み出す勇気」を伝えたいと願っているのでしょう。
**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、ゆっくりと時間をかけて、作者の言葉に耳を傾けながら読むことをおすすめします。作者の言葉から、自分自身の日常を見つめ直し、新たな発見があるかもしれません。
**9. 作品の価値**
**幻想の苑 The Secret Garden** は、文学的価値の高い作品であり、多くの人々に共感を与えるでしょう。また、作者のメッセージは、読者に勇気と希望を与えてくれるでしょう。
## デジタル絵画「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」と、詩「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」の関連性や相関性、ハーモーニーに関しての解説
**デジタル絵画「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」**と**詩「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」**は、密接に関連し合い、互いを補完し合っている作品です。
**絵画**のピンクと白のツツジの花は、**詩**の「いつもの 日常 いつもの 帰り道」というフレーズを象徴しています。**絵画**の光と影は、**詩**の「見過ごした 曲がり角 その先に 違う世界への 扉が現れる」というフレーズを暗示しています。
**デジタル絵画「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」**と**詩「幻想の苑 The Secret Garden」**は、美しい景色と深いメッセージが融合した、素晴らしい作品です。**絵画**と**詩**は、互いに補完し合い、見る者に深い感動と希望を与えてくれます。この作品は、多くの人々に愛されるべき作品と言えるでしょう。
デジタルアート デジタルペインティング 詩 日本の詩 自由詩 春 花 庭 希望 勇気 発見 新しい始まり 日常 幸せ 日本美術 日本文学 日本画 digital_art digitalpainting poetry japanese_poetry free_verse spring flowers garden hope courage discovery newbeginnings everyday_life happiness japanese_art japanese_literature japanese_painting
**Purpose of production**
A spring day of a new start. The author wrote this while remembering a time when he and his daughters went for a walk in a park where azaleas were blooming. It expresses the way the spring breeze blows, the azaleas and greenery in the park sway, and the gentle, sparkling sunlight shines through.It is drawn with memories of peaceful days spent with family and determination toward a new start. .
## Explanation of the digital painting “The Secret Garden”
**1. Overall impression**
**The Secret Garden** is a digital painting set in a spring park filled with pink and white azaleas. The petals of the azaleas and the leaves of the trees sway in the gentle spring breeze. The light and shadow are expressed in an exquisite balance, giving the entire painting a sense of warmth and peace.
**2. Color**
The colors based on pink and white give off a spring-like gorgeousness and gentleness. The pink color of the azalea petals is bright but not too flashy. The white of the sky and clouds, reminiscent of a spring sky, and the white of the azalea petals overlap, giving depth to the entire painting.
**3. Composition**
Pink and white azalea flowers spread out in the center, and it looks like trees are growing in the background. A small red flower is depicted in the foreground, creating a sense of depth in the space. Additionally, the diagonally drawn rainbow has the effect of inviting the viewer into the painting.
**4. Technique**
It is carefully painted using digital painting techniques. In particular, the expressions of azalea flowers and rainbows are spectacular. The expression of light and shadow is also effective, giving the painting a three-dimensional feel.
**5. Expressive power**
**The Secret Garden** is a work that expresses the arrival of spring and hope for a new start. The composition incorporates gentle colors and rainbows that represent hope, and the delicate depictions give the viewer a sense of peace and warmth.
**6. Artistic value**
**The Secret Garden** is a work of high technical and expressive power. The spring scenery is beautifully expressed using digital painting techniques. Also, the message contained in the work will resonate with many people.
**7. Thoughts put into the work**
**The Secret Garden** is based on the author's memories of spring days spent with his daughters. Through this work, the author probably wanted to express the warm time spent with his family and his hope for a new start.
**8. How to view the works**
We recommend taking your time to enjoy **The Secret Garden**. By taking your time to appreciate the delicate expression of the azalea petals and the subtle changes in light and shadow, you will be able to get a feel for the thoughts put into the work.
**9. Value of the work**
**The Secret Garden** is a work of high technical and expressive power, and can be said to have high artistic value. Also, the message contained in the work will resonate with many people.
## Commentary on the poem “The Secret Garden”
**1. Overall impression**
**The Secret Garden** is a poem about the importance of finding small happinesses that are often overlooked in everyday life. The author uses the setting of a secret garden, which is located at the end of a ``corner'' that he suddenly finds on his usual way home, to express the encounter there and the journey to a new world that begins from there.
**2. Prosody**
It's free verse. The words are woven according to the author's wishes, without any particular rhythm or rhyme.
**3. Rhetoric**
He uses rhetorical techniques such as metaphor and personification to vividly describe scenes.
* **“Usual daily life, usual way home”**: Words that express the boredom of everyday life
* **“An overlooked corner” **: Represents possibilities and opportunities that are often overlooked.
* **“Door to a different world”**: An exciting expression that signals the entrance to an unknown world.
* **“Courage and Action”**: Determination to take a step into a new world
**4. Technique**
Techniques such as repetition and contrast are used to give the poem a sense of rhythm and depth.
* **“Usual daily life, usual way home”**: Emphasizes the repetition of everyday life
* **"Beyond that, a door to a different world will appear"**: Contrast between the everyday and the extraordinary
* **"Let's muster up the courage to open that door for her"**: A strong narrative style that gives courage to readers
**5. Expressive power**
**The Secret Garden** contains a deep message that connects the small everyday events to the big themes of life. The author uses beautiful words to stimulate the reader's imagination and give them hope and courage.
**6. Literary value**
**The Secret Garden** is a work of high literary value, even though it is free verse. This poem shows the author's rich sensitivity and expressive power, and will resonate with many people.
**7. Thoughts put into the work**
**The Secret Garden** is a poem born from the author's own daily experiences. Through this poem, the author probably hopes to convey to the readers ``the importance of finding small happiness that is often overlooked'' and ``the courage to take a step into a new world.''
**8. How to view the works**
I recommend reading **The Secret Garden** slowly, taking your time and listening to the author's words. From the author's words, you may be able to reconsider your own daily life and make new discoveries.
**9. Value of the work**
**The Secret Garden** is a work of great literary value that will resonate with many people. The author's message will also give readers courage and hope.
## Explanation on the relationship, correlation, and harmony between the digital painting "The Secret Garden" and the poem "The Secret Garden"
**Digital painting ``The Secret Garden''** and **Poetry ``The Secret Garden''** are works that are closely related and complement each other.
The **painting** vividly depicts a beautiful image of a spring park, and the **poetry** sings about the importance of finding small happiness hidden within the scenery. **Painting** and **Poetry** inspire each other and leave a deep impression on the viewer.
The pink and white azalea flowers in the **painting** symbolize the phrase ``the usual daily life, the usual way home'' in the **poetry**. The light and shadow in the **painting** alludes to the phrase in the **poetry**: ``Beyond the corner you overlooked, a door to a different world appears.''
**Painting** and **Poetry** have a common theme: **"Finding small happiness hidden in everyday life"**. **Painting** expresses this theme through beautiful scenery, and **Poetry** expresses this theme through words.
**Painting** and **Poetry** give hope and courage to the viewer. **Painting** gives us the courage to open the door to a new world, and **poetry** gives us a sense of anticipation for the unknown world that lies beyond that door.
**Painting** and **Poetry** are wonderful works on their own, but you can enjoy a deeper flavor by viewing them together. It can be said that **paintings** and **poetry** have the power to give viewers a new perspective and enrich their lives.
**Digital painting ``The Secret Garden''** and **Poetry ``The Secret Garden''** are wonderful works that combine beautiful scenery with a deep message. **Painting** and **Poetry** complement each other and give viewers deep emotion and hope. This work can be said to be loved by many people.
## 作品販売 Sales of work.
a-1761 幻想の苑 The Secret Garden 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai
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