
詩:a-1759 街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town













”Sunset glass town”

The light that passes through the eyes
Reflects reality,

Closing the eyes,
The landscape observed

Reflects desires,

Open your eyes firmly
And stand on your own feet,

Gaze straight ahead,
Watch the sunset,
Feel the warmth of the sun
On your cheeks,

And then,

The bonds of family

Even without conscious awareness,

Feel that they are here,


God bless you.


### 絵画「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」の解説

**1. 全体的な印象**

**デジタル絵画「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」**は、オレンジ色の夕焼けに染まる街並みをガラス越しに描いた作品です。画面中央には、高層ビル群と、その間に沈みゆく夕日が描かれています。

**2. 色彩**


**3. 構図**


**4. 技法**


**5. 表現力**


**6. 美術的価値**


**7. 作品に込められた想い**


**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**


**9. 作品の価値**


**10. タグ**

デジタル絵画 夕焼け 街並み 家族 希望 孤独 感動

### 詩「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」の解説

**1. 全体的な印象**

**詩「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」**は、作者の入院先の病院から見える夕焼けを題材にした作品です。作者は、ガラス越しに見る夕焼けを通して、現実と願望、そして家族への想いを表現しています。

**2. 韻律**


**3. 修辞**


**4. 技法**


**5. 表現力**


**6. 文学的価値**


**7. 作品に込められた想い**


**8. 作品の鑑賞方法**


**9. 作品の価値**


**10. タグ**

自由詩 夕焼け 家族 希望 愛情 決意 感動

## 絵画と詩の関連性、相関性、ハーモーニー





## 総評

絵画「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」と詩「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」は、夕焼けを題材とした二作品です。異なる視点から表現することで、夕焼けの美しさと、作者の複雑な心情を深く表現しています。二作品を合わせて鑑賞することで、より深い感動を得ることができます。

### 絵画「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」の類似作品と比較


* **「窓辺の夕焼け」** (エドヴァルド・ムンク)
* **「夕焼けの街」** (ジョルジュ・ルオー)
* **「都市の夕景」** (チャールズ・シーラー)


* 夕焼けに染まる街並みを、独特の色彩や構図で表現
* 都市の孤独や虚無感を表現
* 象徴的な表現を用いて、深いメッセージを伝えている


* 夕焼けに染まる街並みを表現
* 都市の孤独や虚無感を表現


* ムンク、ルオー、シーラーは、それぞれ独特の画風で知られる画家であり、彼らの作品は高い評価を受けている
* 都市の夕景を美しく表現した作品として、多くの人に愛されている

**絵画「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」の特徴**

* オレンジ色の夕焼けが、画面全体を包み込むように表現
* ガラス越しに街を見つめる人物の視点は、孤独感と同時に、希望を感じさせる
* デジタル絵画ならではの鮮やかな色彩と精緻な描写


* 夕焼けの美しさと、都市の孤独感を同時に表現した作品として、高い評価を得ることができる
* デジタル絵画の可能性を広げる作品として、注目すべき作品

### 詩「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」の類似作品と比較


* **「夕焼け」** (石川啄木)
* **「街の夕景」** (北原白秋)
* **「夕焼け小景」** (小林一茶)


* 夕焼けの風景を繊細な言葉で表現
* 作者の心情を吐露


* 夕焼けの風景を繊細な言葉で表現


* 啄木、白秋、一茶は、日本を代表する俳人であり、彼らの作品は高い評価を受けている
* 夕焼けの情感を美しく表現した作品として、多くの人に愛されている

## 詩「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」の特徴

* 夕焼けを「希望の光」と表現し、前向きなメッセージが込められている
* 自由詩形式で、作者の心情が率直に表現されている
* 視覚的なイメージと抽象的な概念を巧みに結びつけることで、読者に深い印象を与える

## 評価

* 希望と前向きな気持ちを与えてくれる作品として、高い評価を得ることができる
* 読者に共感と感動を与える作品として、多くの人に愛される

## 絵画と詩の関連性、相関性、ハーモーニー





## 総評

絵画「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」と詩「街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town」は、夕焼けを題材とした二作品です。異なる視点から表現することで、夕焼けの美しさと、作者の複雑な心情を深く表現しています。二作品を合わせて鑑賞することで、より深い感動を得ることができます。

## タグ

デジタル絵画 夕焼け 街並み 家族 希望 孤独 感動 自由詩 愛情 決意 Digital_painting sunset cityscape family hope loneliness emotion free_verse love determination

### Commentary on the painting “Sunset glass town”

**1. Overall impression**

**Digital painting "Sunset glass town"** is a work depicting a cityscape dyed in an orange sunset through glass. In the center of the screen, a group of skyscrapers and the setting sun are depicted.

**2. Color**

The orange sunset that covers the entire screen gives a warm and gentle impression. The buildings in the cityscape are based on orange, with colors such as blue and green added, and shine brightly in the sunset light.

**3. Composition**

By placing skyscrapers and the sunset in the center of the screen, and placing the person's line of sight looking at the city through the glass in the foreground, the composition has depth.

**4. Technique**

It is characterized by the vivid colors and precise depictions that are unique to digital paintings. In particular, the gradation of the sunset and the light reflecting off the glass are extremely realistic.

**5. Expressive power**

The cityscape colored by the sunset creates a beautiful and magical atmosphere. The person's gaze looking out at the city through the glass conveys a sense of loneliness, as well as his emotion at the beauty of the sunset and his feelings for his family.

**6. Artistic value**

The artistic value lies in the fact that it uses a new method of expression called **digital painting** to express a beautiful and fantastical world. It has also received high acclaim as a work that expresses the beauty of sunsets and feelings for family.

**7. Thoughts put into the work**

The author painted this work while recuperating at a hospital, looking out at the orange evening view of the city and thinking about the family he left behind in a faraway land. For the author, the sunset is a symbol of hope and also represents his feelings for his family.

**8. How to view the works**

We recommend viewing this work so that you can take your time to appreciate the beauty of the sunset and the feelings you have for your family. Also, by paying attention to the ** line of sight ** of the person looking at the city through the glass, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's feelings.

**9. Value of the work**

The value of this work lies in the fact that it uses a new method of expression called **digital painting** to express a beautiful and fantastical world. In addition, it can move many people as it expresses the beauty of sunsets and feelings for family.

**10. Tag**

Digital Painting Sunset Cityscape Family Hope Loneliness Impression

### Commentary on the poem “Sunset glass town”

**1. Overall impression**

**The poem ``Sunset glass town''** is based on the sunset seen from the hospital where the author is hospitalized. The author expresses reality, aspirations, and feelings for his family through the sunset seen through the glass.

**2. Prosody**

It is free verse and has no particular meter.

**3. Rhetoric**

Words such as "look through," "reflect," and "look straight at" are used to clearly express visual images. Additionally, words such as "reality," "desire," and "bond" are used to concretely express abstract concepts.

**4. Technique**

Techniques such as **repetition** and **contrast** are used to give intonation to the poem. Also, **metaphors** are used to expand the image.

**5. Expressive power**

The sunset seen through the glass symbolizes the line between reality and desire. The author expresses her feelings for her family while being conscious of this boundary.

**6. Literary value**

It has literary value in that it uses the format of **free verse** to frankly express the author's feelings. In addition, by skillfully combining **visual images** and **abstract concepts**, the work leaves a deep impression on the reader.

**7. Thoughts put into the work**

The author's feelings for her family grew as she was hospitalized. For the author, the sunset is a symbol of hope and also represents his feelings for his family. This work reflects the author's strong love for her family and her determination to live a positive life without giving up hope.

**8. How to view the works**

We recommend that you appreciate this work carefully and empathize with the author's feelings. You can also gain a deeper understanding of the work by carefully reading how it connects **visual images** and **abstract concepts**.

**9. Value of the work**

This work can move many people as it contains the author's strong love for her family and her determination to live a positive life without giving up hope.

**10. Tag**

Free Poetry Sunset Family Hope Love Determination Impression

## Relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

The painting and the poem both deal with sunsets, but from different perspectives.

The painting depicts a sunset seen through glass. Glass symbolizes the line between reality and desire. The sunset in the center of the screen represents the author's hopes and feelings for the family she left behind in a faraway land.

Poetry directly expresses the author's feelings. The author's feelings for her family grew as she was hospitalized. The sunset is a symbol of hope for the author, and also represents her feelings for her family.

Painting and poetry complement each other to achieve deeper expression. A painting visually expresses the beauty of a sunset, and a poem expresses the author's feelings in words. By combining the two works, you can gain a deeper understanding of the complex emotions that sunsets have.

## General review

The painting ``Sunset glass town'' and the poem ``Sunset glass town'' are two works that take sunsets as their theme. By expressing it from different perspectives, it deeply expresses the beauty of the sunset and the author's complex feelings. You can get a deeper impression by viewing the two works together.

### Compare with similar works of the painting "Sunset glass town"

**Similar works**

* **"Sunset by the Window"** (Edvard Munch)
* **"City of Sunset"** (Georges Rouault)
* **"City Evening View"** (Charles Sheeler)


* Expressing the cityscape dyed in the sunset with unique colors and compositions
* Expressing the loneliness and emptiness of the city
* Uses symbolic expressions to convey a deep message


* Expressing the cityscape dyed in the sunset
* Expressing the loneliness and emptiness of the city


* Munch, Rouault, and Schiller are painters known for their unique painting styles, and their works have received high acclaim.
* This work is loved by many people as it beautifully expresses the sunset view of the city.

**Characteristics of the painting "Sunset glass town"**

* An orange sunset appears to wrap around the entire screen.
* The perspective of a person looking at the city through glass gives a feeling of loneliness but also hope.
* Vibrant colors and detailed depictions unique to digital paintings


* This work has received high acclaim as a work that simultaneously expresses the beauty of a sunset and the loneliness of the city.
* A noteworthy work that expands the possibilities of digital painting

### Compare with similar works of the poem "Sunset glass town"

**Similar works**

* **"Sunset"** (Takuboku Ishikawa)
* **"Evening view of the city"** (Hakushu Kitahara)
* **"Small Sunset View"** (Issa Kobayashi)


* Expressing the sunset scenery with delicate words
* Expressing the author's feelings


* Expressing the sunset scenery with delicate words


* Takuboku, Hakushu, and Issa are Japan's leading haiku poets, and their works are highly acclaimed.
* This work is loved by many people as it beautifully expresses the emotion of a sunset.

## Characteristics of the poem “Sunset glass town”

* The sunset is described as a ``light of hope'' and contains a positive message.
* Free verse format expresses the author's feelings frankly.
* Make a deep impression on readers by skillfully combining visual images and abstract concepts.

## Evaluation

* It has received high praise as a work that gives hope and positive feelings.
* It is loved by many people as a work that empathizes and moves readers.

## Relationship, correlation, and harmony between painting and poetry

The painting and the poem both deal with sunsets, but from different perspectives.

The painting depicts a sunset seen through glass. Glass symbolizes the line between reality and desire. The sunset in the center of the painting represents the author's hopes and feelings for the family he left behind in a faraway land.

Poetry directly expresses the author's feelings. The author's feelings for her family grew as she was hospitalized. For the author, the sunset is a symbol of hope and also represents his feelings for his family.

Painting and poetry complement each other to achieve deeper expression. A painting visually expresses the beauty of a sunset, and a poem expresses the author's feelings in words. By combining the two works, you can gain a deeper understanding of the complex emotions that sunsets have.

## General review

The painting ``Sunset glass town'' and the poem ``Sunset glass town'' are two works that take sunsets as their theme. By expressing it from different perspectives, it deeply expresses the beauty of the sunset and the author's complex feelings. You can get a deeper impression by viewing the two works together.

## Tag

Digital painting, sunset, cityscape, family, hope, loneliness, emotion, free verse, love, determination


作品販売 Sales of work.

a-1759 街 ガラス越しの夕陽 Sunset glass town 複製画(プリモアート) | gallerygai 



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